Ebenfalls dabei waren "Stars" wie Pippa Middleton und Kim Sears.
Übrigens... Sabinie Lisicki, die als erste Deutsche nach Steffi Graf ein Halbfinale bei einem Grand-Slam-Turnier erreicht., äußerte einen besonderen Wunsch an Vettel:
"Ihn", sagte Lisicki, "würde ihn gerne mal treffen".

On the first picture, do you think that the blonde girl(we see only her ear)could be Hanna?
AntwortenLöschenI'm not sure..but yes...it could be Hanna...but on the other hand.. He never takes her out to public events, so the question is why should he take her out for the biggest and most famous tennis event on planet?
AntwortenLöschenYes, you're right. It's what I also think. But if she arrived before or after him and by acting as if they didn't know each other, they would have been to mislead the photographers. Seb didn't cling to her in the tribune, he's almost sat on his neighbour's legs. lol We don't see a lot of pics of Hanna so perhaps nobody recognized her. For example, the TV reporters from RTL mixed up her with Stefanie Vettel in Montreal so...
AntwortenLöschenThe hair colour is the same...but the cut, I thought she has longer hair..but how many times do we cut our hair?
AntwortenLöschenI don't know! I want to see more picture of her...so inquisitive how she really looks!
I don't know whether her hair are or not long. Last summer, she seemed to have short hair but I'm not sure. On this pic, they were it but it was for the go-kart challenge in Kerpen in December 2009 (she was with Stefanie): http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/268/xsp05a7113254909orijpg.jpg
AntwortenLöschenAnyway, I think that you're right and the blonde girl isn't Hanna.
gibt es nicht mehr fotos auf dem die blonde frau neben ihm zu sehen ist?
AntwortenLöschenauf dem foto von kerpen sind laut express stefanie und melanie nicht stefanie und hanna.
AntwortenLöschenleider finde ich den artikel nicht mehr.
This is the article : http://www.express.de/sport/motorsport/motorsport/so-lebe-ich-privat/-/4595266/4847042/-/index.html
AntwortenLöschenOk...the anonym person was right...the blonde girl next to Vettel is his girlfriend Hanna Prater!
AntwortenLöschenlol I wasn't sure. I asked the question only.